Supporting both block and non-block Component Usage

non-block components

You can support the usage of block and non-block components from single component by using the hasBlock property.


{{#if hasBlock}}
   //code here


The example given below specifies supporting of both block and non-block component usage in one template. Create a route with the name comp-yield and open the router.js file to define the URL mappings −

import Ember from 'ember';                   
//Access to Ember.js library as variable Ember
import config from './config/environment'; 
//It provides access to app's configuration data as variable config 

//The const declares read only variable
const Router = Ember.Router.extend ({
   location: config.locationType,
   rootURL: config.rootURL

//Defines URL mappings that takes parameter as an object to create the routes {

export default Router;

Create the application.hbs file and add the following code −

//link-to is a handlebar helper used for creating links
{{#link-to 'comp-yield'}}Click Here{{/link-to}}
{{outlet}} //It is a general helper, where content from other pages 
   will appear inside this section

Open the comp-yield.js file, which is created under app/routes/ and enter the following code −

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend ({
   model: function () {
      return {
         title: "Emberjs",
         author: "Adglob",
         body: "This is introduction"

Create a component with the name comp-yield and open the component template file comp-yield.hbs created under app/templates/ with the following code −

{{#comp-yield title = title}}
   <p class = "author">by (blocked name){{author}}</p>
{{comp-yield title = title}}

Open the comp-yield.hbs file created under app/templates/components/ and enter the following code −

{{#if hasBlock}}
   <div class = "body">{{yield}}</div>
   <div class = "body">Adglob data is missing</div>

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