Elasticsearch – Populate

Elasticsearch - Populate

Elasticsearch Populate In this chapter, let us learn how to add some index, mapping, and data to Elasticsearch. Note that some of this data will be used in the examples explained in this subject.

Create Index of Elasticsearch Populate

You can use the following command to create an index โˆ’

PUT school


If the index is created, you can see the following output โˆ’

{"acknowledged": true}

Add data

Elasticsearch will store the documents we add to the index as shown in the following code. The documents are given some IDs which are used in identifying the document.

Request Body

POST school/_doc/10
   "name":"Saint Paul School", "description":"ICSE Afiliation",
   "street":"Dawarka", "city":"Delhi", "state":"Delhi", "zip":"110075",
   "location":[28.5733056, 77.0122136], "fees":5000,
   "tags":["Good Faculty", "Great Sports"], "rating":"4.5"


   "_index" : "school",
   "_type" : "_doc",
   "_id" : "10",
   "_version" : 1,
   "result" : "created",
   "_shards" : {
      "total" : 2,
      "successful" : 1,
      "failed" : 0
   "_seq_no" : 2,
   "_primary_term" : 1

Here, we are adding another similar document.

POST school/_doc/16
   "name":"Crescent School", "description":"State Board Affiliation",
   "street":"Tonk Road",
   "city":"Jaipur", "state":"RJ", "zip":"176114","location":[26.8535922,75.7923988],
   "fees":2500, "tags":["Well equipped labs"], "rating":"4.5"


   "_index" : "school",
   "_type" : "_doc",
   "_id" : "16",
   "_version" : 1,
   "result" : "created",
   "_shards" : {
      "total" : 2,
      "successful" : 1,
      "failed" : 0
   "_seq_no" : 9,
   "_primary_term" : 7

In this way, we will keep adding any example data that we need for our work in the upcoming chapters.

Adding Sample Data in Kibana

Kibana is a GUI-driven tool for accessing the data and creating the visualization. In this section, let us understand how we can add sample data to it.

On the Kibana home page, choose the following option to add sample e-commerce data โˆ’

Elasticsearch - Populate

The next screen will show some visualization and a button to Add data โˆ’

Elasticsearch - Populate

Clicking on Add Data will show the following screen which confirms the data has been added to an index named eCommerce.

Elasticsearch - Populate

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